Herb U. Tuttle (1892-1982)

In this inaugural edition of our CEO Spotlight series, we pay tribute to Herb U. Tuttle, the visionary founder of Tuttle Construction. Join us as we delve into the life and accomplishments of this remarkable individual who laid the foundation for the esteemed company we are today.

Born in Germany and raised in Vermont, Herb U. Tuttle embarked on a journey that would shape the future of construction in Lima. After attending The Ohio State University, where he earned an engineering degree and proudly served as a member of the Ohio State Marching Band, Herb relocated to Lima in 1917. There, he started a family with his wife Hazel and had two children: Thomas, and Phyllis.

With a lifelong dream of owning his own construction company, Herb’s vision became a reality in February of 1928 when he established Herb U. Tuttle General Contractor. This milestone marked the beginning of a legacy that would span generations, rooted in a commitment to quality and professionalism.

Beyond his entrepreneurial pursuits, Herb actively engaged in various service organizations within the Lima area. On rainy days, it was common to find him on the job site, engaging in friendly poker games with his colleagues. If you had the opportunity to sit across the bench from Herb, you wouldn’t leave until you were well-versed in the game. His presence and camaraderie left a lasting impression on all who crossed his path.

Herb U. Tuttle’s enduring legacy is defined by the establishment of a reputable construction company that delivers excellence in every project. Today, we honor his visionary spirit and celebrate the enduring values he instilled in Tuttle Construction.